Half marathon worldwide calendar
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Want to add your half marathon? Click here.
UNITED KINGDOM ENGLAND — 2025-02-15 — Birmingham. "The Birmingham 5k, 10k and Half Marathon Winter Warmer Run". A chance to lace up those shoes, get motivated, focus on training during winter and run this awesome 5k, 10k or half marathon running event with us. There will be loads of great entry benefits including full race chip timing, a super cool medal, snacks, drinks, some surprise goodies and a load of fun, smiles and support along the way. So come on, let's do this. Secure your place today! Our Winter Warmer Runs are proud to support the Charity Shelter and our goal is to help raise awareness and funds for them. https://go.evvnt.com/2667137-0?pid=6562
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NORTH CAROLINA — 2025-02-15 — Oak Island. "Run Oak Island". Join us for the first race of the 2025 BAM! Race Series in Oak Island North Carolina! BAM is short for #BigAssMedals and our medals do not disappoint! Oak Island is a beautiful coastal island large enough for a FULL MARATHON! We actually host 2 half marathons (East & West) that allow you to tour each end of the island (the East is competitive and the West is walker friendly) new for 2024 a 10K and of course the 5K. Highlights include: Lighthouse, 13+ miles of beach views along the ocean (running on the road), a bridge (on the West Half & Full Marathon) and much more! President's Day weekend is a perfect long weekend to enjoy the beach. Average temperatures are 58 High /41 Low in February. Start Times: 6:45AM - Full Marathon & Ultra Marathon Surprise Detour 6:45AM - East Half Marathon 7:00AM - West Half Marathon & 10K 7:15AM - 5K 8:30 - 1 Mile Finisher Swag: HUGE underwater sea animal themed medals and custom made tri-blend finisher shirts. For all up-to-date race information including packet pickup, maps of the course, FAQ's and more, please visit the official race website. www.coastalraceproductions.com/race/run-oak-island-2025
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MICHIGAN — 2025-02-15 — Brighton. "Winter Trail Fest Eastside". Some call it the Winter Trail Fest, some just think What The F...?! We will be down at Island Lake for a winter trail half marathon and 5 mile race and we will be hoping for some of the nastiest and true WTF conditions possible! You will truly be earning your WTF Medal, WTF hoodie, and other WTF swag (WTF winter hats are used for age group awards)! Don't worry too much though, the late morning start will give you a chance to relax and enjoy the morning before tackling winter trail miles. In June, you have the opportunity to join us for the Summer Trail Fest Ultra and Half Marathon to earn the connecting STFU medal! www.runsignup.com/Race/MI/Brighton/WinterTrailFestEastside
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VIRGINIA — 2025-02-15 — King George. "Dahlgren Trail Half Marathon". Don't miss out on the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail. This is a scenic out and back course on a flat, smooth old railroad bed. Cash prizes, great competition, good food, and awesome swag make this a memorable event. And because we understand it can be a bit chilly in February, we will be starting the race at 9:00am to let it warm up and let you get a little more sleep. The time limit for the race is 3.5 hours - around 16 minute/mile pace. www.runsignup.com/Race/VA/KingGeorge/DahlgrenTrailHalf
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ALABAMA — 2025-02-15 — Gulf Shores. "Sea Turtle Half Marathon & Sweetheart 5K". Distances: half marathon and 5k. www.runsignup.com/Race/AL/GulfShores/Sweetheart5kandSeaTurtleHalfMarathon
ITALY TOSCANA — 2025-02-16 — Scandicci (Firenze). "Mezza maratona città di Scandicci". www.mezzamaratonascandicci.it
ITALY UMBRIA — 2025-02-16 — Terni. "Maratona di San Valentino". www.maratonadisanvalentino.it/la-gara
ITALY VENETO — 2025-02-16 — Verona. "Romeo&Giulietta Run Half Marathon & Relay". www.romeoegiuliettarunhalfmarathon.it
ITALY PIEMONTE — 2025-02-16 — Saluzzo (Cuneo). "La mezza del Marchesato". www.lamezzadelmarchesato.it
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TEXAS — 2025-02-16 — Austin. "Ascension Seton Austin Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K". If you are going to run, RUN AUSTIN! The Ascension Seton Austin Marathon invites you to the #1 City in America on February 16, 2025! You will be treated to a bucket list experience and some of Austin's finest sightseeing! Enjoy miles of Austin's unique neighborhoods, iconic landmarks, and be greeted by cheering crowds as you close in on the finish line in front of the Texas State Capitol on historic Congress Ave. Come explore our culture-rich city and truly experience The Live Music Capital of the World with live music on the course and a downtown concert. With a downtown finish line festival, the Austin Marathon weekend is the perfect running event for locals, visitors, and families looking for a fun marathon and an unforgettable experience. Plus, you will be within proximity to the hottest hotels, restaurants, and shops! There is no other town in Texas like Austin, and running the #1 city in America will be an experience you'll never forget. http://go.evvnt.com/2254121-4?pid=6562
ITALY TOSCANA — 2025-02-16 — Marina di Carrara (Massa-Carrara). "White Marble Marathon". www.whitemarblemarathon.com
SOUTH AFRICA WESTERN CAPE — 2025-02-16 — Cape Town. "Cape Peninsula Marathon and Half". The Cape Peninsula Marathon is the oldest marathon in the Western Cape and will be the 55th running of this iconic event founded and hosted by Celtic Harriers. A unique point-to-point race starting in the beautiful suburb of Green Point and running between the gorgeous mountains and deep blue seas ending at the Naval Base in sunny Simonstown. www.peaktiming.co.za
UNITED KINGDOM ENGLAND — 2025-02-16 — Nottingham. "The Nottingham 5k, 10k and Half Marathon Winter Warmer Run". A chance to lace up those shoes, get motivated, focus on training during winter and run this awesome 5k, 10k or half marathon running event with us. There will be loads of great entry benefits including full race chip timing, a super cool medal, snacks, drinks, some surprise goodies and a load of fun, smiles and support along the way. So come on, let's do this. Secure your place today! Our Winter Warmer Runs are proud to support the Charity Shelter and our goal is to help raise awareness and funds for them. http://go.evvnt.com/2667136-0?pid=6562
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COLORADO — 2025-02-16 — Arvada. "Ralston Creek Half Marathon & 5k". The Ralston Creek Half Marathon and 5K follow a mix of roads and bike paths on the west side of Arvada. The 5K is mostly flat and fast, with a small rise in the final mile. The opening four miles of the half-marathon are fairly flat, with a barely noticeable gradual gain in elevation. Miles 4 and 6.5 are rolling, with one good climb leading to the high point of the course atop Ralston Mesa. From there, the course is almost all down hill and flat to the finish. Aid stations every two miles. Finisher's medals for all half Marathon finishers. Prize money offered. The Ralston Creek Half Marathon & 5K is also the final event in the Racing Underground Winter Running Series with $3400 in prize money for the top performers, and age group awards in every age category. Pick one race, or do all three! Series participants can choose the 5k-5k-5k Series or the 5k-10k-Half Marathon Series. Sartorious, 6452 Fig Street, Arvada, CO, 303-642-7917. www.racingunderground.com/RalstonCreekHalf
UNITED KINGDOM ENGLAND — 2025-02-16 — York. "The York 5k, 10k and Half Marathon Winter Warmer Run". A chance to lace up those shoes, get motivated, focus on training during winter and run this awesome 5k, 10k or half marathon running event with us. There will be loads of great entry benefits including full race chip timing, a super cool medal, snacks, drinks, some surprise goodies and a load of fun, smiles and support along the way. So come on, let's do this. Secure your place today! Our Winter Warmer Runs are proud to support the Charity Shelter and our goal is to help raise awareness and funds for them. http://go.evvnt.com/2681610-0?pid=6562
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TEXAS — 2025-02-22 — Fort Worth. "The Cowtown". The Cowtown is celebrating our 47th year as we welcome the world to Fort Worth. We are proud to be the largest multi-race event in the State of Texas. The Cowtown offers a race distance for everyone including the Cook Children's 5K, Adults 5K and 10K on Saturday and the Ultra Marathon presented by Miller Lite, Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday. The entire family can participate either as a runner or a spectator cheering along the route. Ambitious runners can take The Cowtown Challenge and run a race both days! www.cowtownmarathon.org
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONNECTICUT — 2025-02-22 — Colchester. "Colchester Half Marathon". Start Time: 9:30 AM (early start available for those expecting to complete the course in over 3 hours). Location: Bacon Academy, Colchester, CT. Registration: Online registration is open until the race starts: Register Here. Mail-in applications must be postmarked by Saturday, February 15th. No additional fees for online registration. Shirts: Available for purchase online—view options on the registration site or the attached “Shirts” document. Last day to purchase shirts is Thursday, February 13th. Shirt purchase does not require race registration. Race Details: Water & Nuun electrolyte drink stops at ~4.5 miles, ~8.1 miles, and ~11.3 miles. Finish line refreshments include bananas, orange pieces, and water. Post-Race Carbo Reload Party: Menu includes a variety of dishes: lasagna (traditional & veggie), baked mac & cheese, chicken Cacciatore, mixed vegetables, and more. Gluten-free and vegan options available. Volunteers play a crucial role in the success of this event. Opportunities are open for anyone interested. Volunteers will be provided with food and beverages. Additional Information: The race will take place regardless of weather conditions. In the event of road closures, participants will be invited to Bacon Academy High School for the carbo reload party. We hope to see you at the 33rd Colchester Half Marathon — whether you’re running, volunteering, or cheering on participants! Let’s make this event memorable for all.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GEORGIA — 2025-02-22 — Augusta. "Augusta Half Marathon, 10K & 5K". Join us for an event that is fast becoming a local favorite - the Augusta Half Marathon, 10K & 5K presented by Wier / Stewart! The Augusta Sports Council is proud to be the local host organization for the 17th annual event. It serves as the non-profit's primary fundraising event for their annual G.A.M.E.S. Scholarship fund, awarded to selected graduating high school student-athletes each May. The ASC is a 501c(3) organization focuses on enriching the quality of life and economic well-being for the Augusta metropolitan area by supporting and attracting sporting activities. For more information about the race, visit our website. www.augustahalf.org
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MISSOURI — 2025-02-22 — Springfield. "Running From Yeti - Springfield". In Nepal's folklore, Yeti is an "abominable Snowman", who looks like an ape, is taller than an average human, and is believed to live in the Himalayas, Siberia, Central and East Asia. Yeti, during pre-19th century, has been believed to be a "Glacier Being" who was worshipped by the indigenous communities. However, in Southwest, MO, he is a cute big fellar that we can't wait to see this February 22th, 2025 to playfully run from him, take pictures with him, high-five him, and have a chilly party with him! Come join us and: Run / Walk / Jog / Cartwheel. Earn Your Comfy Hoodie for Half and Full Participants Choose Between One of the Bonus Swag Enjoy Tasty Treats and Food Wear WHITE to match Freddie! AND Dance to Some YETI MUSIC. www.heartlandracingco.com/running-from-yeti.html
UNITED KINGDOM ENGLAND — 2025-02-22 — Liverpool. "The Liverpool 5k, 10k and Half Marathon Winter Warmer Run". A chance to lace up those shoes, get motivated, focus on training during winter and run this awesome 5k, 10k and half marathon running event with us. There will be loads of great entry benefits including full race chip timing, a super cool medal, snacks, drinks, some surprise goodies and a load of fun, smiles and support along the way. So come on, let's do this. Secure your place today! Our Winter Warmer Runs are proud to support the Charity Shelter and our goal is to help raise awareness and funds for them. Please find some more information below. The housing crisis isn't about houses - it's about people. The lack of safe, secure and affordable homes is affecting people across the whole country. More than three million families could be one paycheck away from losing their home Some stats: Every day, 110 families in England become homeless Every 13 minutes, another family in England becomes homeless Please note fundraising is completely optional and there's no requirement to do so however if you decide to support Shelter, there is no minimum fundraising target, just raise what you can. http://go.evvnt.com/2667119-0?pid=6562
ITALY MARCHE — 2025-02-23 — San Benedetto del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno). "Maratona sulla sabbia". www.maratonasullasabbia.altervista.org
ITALY CAMPANIA — 2025-02-23 — Napoli. "Napoli City Half Marathon". www.napolirunning.com
ITALY EMILIA ROMAGNA — 2025-02-23 — Salsomaggiore Terme (Parma). "Verdi Marathon". www.verdimarathon.it
ITALY EMILIA ROMAGNA — 2025-02-23 — Ravenna. "Valli e pinete". www.valliepinete.com
MALTA — 2025-02-23 — Mdina. "Malta Marathon & Half Marathon". The 2025 Malta Marathon will be the 40th edition. It is one of the oldest marathon in Europe. The Malta Marathon start from the gate of the medieval capital of Malta and finishes in Sliema, Malta's most popular resort. Along the route participants will pass through both countryside and urban terrain. The route is predominantly downhill. The 2025 Malta Half Marathon will be the 39th edition, one less than the Malta Marathon as in 1986 only the Malta Marathon was held. The first Malta Half Marathon was held in 1987. The Malta Half Marathon starts from the gate of the medieval capital of Malta and finishes in Sliema, Malta's most popular resort. Along the route participants will pass through countryside, villages and yacht marinas. The route is predominantly downhill, with many PBs being set on this course. www.maltamarathon.com
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